Pro Romanian Food Association APAR
Pro Romanian Food Association - APAR is a non-profit legal person registered in Romania in the Register of Associations and Foundations, Transparency Register Number: 116915712797-73.

- APAR’s main purpose is to promote Romanian products in the agri-food sector;
- In the governing bodies of the association there are no representatives of public institutions or political parties;
- The organization was set up in 2012 and has been working continuously since its establishment. The financial reports are transmitted to the tax authorities in accordance with the legal provisions and the important activities as well as the periodical financial reports are communicated to the Single Transparency Interest Register (RUTI) and the EU Transparency Register;
- The activities of APAR were in the interest of all producers in Romania;
- APAR has taken on the position of representation in the Civil Dialogue Groups at European level for "Product Quality and Promotion". As a result, our representatives actively participated in the drafting of the new Regulation on the Promotion of Agro-Food Products - Regulation (EU) no. 1144/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2014 on information provision and promotion measures for agricultural products implemented on the internal market and in third countries. As a member of PRO AGRO, APAR gained membership in the Export Council of Romania, organizing the most important external promotion actions for Romanian producers. APAR was involved in the harmonization of Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement with national legislation, i.e. Law 98/2016 on the treatment of the procurement of social services and other specific services. APAR was part in project of taking measures to avoid the marketing of products with double standard quality on the single European market.
- In 2018 APAR fulfilled one of its main objectives, namely the establishment of the Agency for Quality and Marketing of Food Products – the structure in public-private partnership, having as its functions the management of national and European quality systems as well as the promotion of high value-added quality products, a project completed in June 2019 by the adoption of Law 133/2019.
- The participation of APAR in the Social Dialogue nationally regulated by Law 62/2011 is achieved through membership of the Confederation of UPR BUSINESSROMANIA.
- National and European projects in which APAR was involved:
- In 2021 (present) APAR is in the approval phase the project “Dialogue for Consensus” regarding the introduction of common systems and standards in local public administration that optimizes beneficiary-oriented processes in Ilfov region, within POCA program.
- In 2021 (present) APAR is in the approval phase the project “I know what I want! How do I support it?” regarding the introduction of common systems and standards in local public administration that optimizes beneficiary-oriented processes in Cluj region, within POCA program.
- In 2020 APAR signed a 3-years grant for the project “Promotion of European canned and processed fruits and vegetables in Scandinavia and Baltic EU Member States in Internal Market (Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Lithuania and Estonia)” within the EU - CHAFEA.
- In 2020 APAR implemented the project “Ro AgriFood Hackathon – HAR 2020” through SmartAgriHubs within Horizon 2020 project - RUR–2018-1.
- In 2019 APAR finalized the implementation of the project “Developing an alternative public policy in the field of promoting Romanian exports” within POCA program.
- In 2018 APAR finalized the implementation of the project “Improving the Competitiveness of Farms in Dolj County” within NRDP 2014-2020
- In 2018 APAR finalized the implementation of the project “Improving the Competitiveness of Farms in Olt County” within NRDP 2014-2020APAR has over 146 members active in the food industry and whose turnover (4 billion Euro) represents over 26,5% of the total Romanian food sector.
Delcof S.A.-Coordinator

Under its current form Delcof S.A. was established in 2007 as the result of the merging with NEW VERMIO (a trade S.A) having as a mission to facilitate exports of their members to new international markets as well as to provide comprehensive scientific, laboratory and quality analysis related to its member’s canned products.
Delcof S.A's has 19 registered members, legal entities, all related to the fruit and canned fruit industry. One (1) natural person, twelve (12) processed fruit industries and suppliers of the industry five (5) Cooperatives and producers organizations.
Additionally in S.A participates as full member the GREEK CANNERS ASSOCIATION (E.K.E.), the national trade association, member of PROFEL (the European Association of Fruit and Vegetable Processors).
Active and main members of Delcof S.A. are the followings:
- Greek Canners Association
- Pavlides Group
- Conex S.A.
- Alexander S.A
- Union of Agricultural Cooperatives ALMME
- Agricultural Cooperative VENUS
- Agricultural Cooperative of Pella
- Kronos S.A.
- Danais S.A.
- Apostolou Konstantinos
Since 2008 DELCOF S.A. has undertaken significant initiatives on behalf of its members, promoting the flagship of the Greek Canned Fruit Industry, canned peach, through the implementation of promotion and information campaigns in the internal European market and in third markets.