

Product Presentation Lithuania

3 November 2022: In the frame of the EU financed campaign “Taste Me” a Product Presentation Event took place on Thursday 3rd of November 2022 at 18.00 pm at Grey Restaurant   (Pilies g. 2, Vilnius 01124, Lithuania).

During the event, the guests had the opportunity to get informed about the superior quality European canned peaches from Greece and the processed fruits and vegetables from Romania and taste their delicious flavor. Also they were able to meet representatives of the participating organizations and discuss about future business collaborations.

The EU financed campaign “Taste Me” aims to promote the European canned peaches and processed vegetables from Greece and Romania to consumers in Finland, Estonia, Denmark, Lithuania and Sweden, to inform them about the European strict quality and food safety standards during the whole production process, and their exceptional taste and aromas in order to increase their consumption.

#tastemeu #EuAgriPromo #cannedpeaches #fruits #vegetables

Thursday, 03 November 2022
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The content of this promotion campaign represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission and the European Research Executive Agency (REA) do not accept any responsibility for any use that may be made of the information it contains.